Over the years, S.A. Paulista has developed skills and aptitudes in promising new fields of activity, thereby expanding its expertise into areas such as airport infrastructure, gas pipelines and motor racing circuits. In each of these, the company has accumulated a respectable portfolio of services.
The development of airport infrastructure works has become a company specialty, with a number of projects carried out in different Brazilian states. For example, S.A. Paulista was responsible for building the runways at the Anápolis Airbase (Goiás state) and Hotel Transamérica’s Ilha de Comandatuba airport (Bahia state), which is able to receive large aircraft.
The company also undersigned the construction of the runways at the Presidente Prudente, Avaré, Andradina, Lençóis Paulista and Bragança Paulista airports, all in the state of São Paulo. One should add to the list the expansion of Ribeirão Preto airport (São Paulo state), the work on which had to be carried out simultaneously to the day-to-day operations, with passengers boarding and disembarking. The company recently carried out the repaving of the runway and apron at Sorocaba airport (São Paulo state) and repairs to the runways and taxiways and resurfacing of the service roads at São José dos Campos airport (São Paulo state).
An S.A. Paulista innovation in 2000 was repairing the track at the Interlagos motor racing circuit (São Paulo state), using, for the first time in Brazil, the German Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) technology. By this means, S.A. Paulista was able to meet the requirements of the International Automobile Federation (FIA).